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Work & Play



Play is "an essential and integral part of all children’s healthy growth, development and learning" (Isenberg & Quisenberry, 2002, p. 33).

Through the gathering and sorting stage of the inquiry process chidlren are using play to learn by experience: from what happens around them, from what they see, hear, smell, taste and touch. To absorb those experiences and make sense of what they are investigating they need opporutnities in imaginary play. Imaginary and Dramatic Play is where children are role playing and are acting out various experiences they may have had or something that has derived from the inquiry that is of interest to them.


Incorporating digital play can provide opportunites to enrich thier experiences through such iPad applications such as Puppet Pals. Puppet Pals provide opportunities for children to engage in a complex imaginary and dramatic play by creating puppet shows that are supported by technical features such as voice recording facilities, choice of the characters and recording an individually created story.


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