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ICT & Early Childhood

In Victorian schools educators facilitating and scaffolding children’s learning and development from birth to eight years of age use The Victorian Early Learing Framework (VELF) and AusVELS to guide their teaching and learning practices.


The important of ICT in developing dispositions for learning such as curiosity, creativity, perseverance and enthusiasm is strongly aligned with the Early Years Learning Framework: Belonging, Being and Becoming (acecqa, 2009, p. 9) which emphasizes the importance of dispositions such as curiosity and creativity for learning and the need to assist children in making the necessary connections between prior experiences and new learning; and the building of these prior experiences to ensure continuity of learning (2009, p. 16).



This is as outlined in Outcome 4 Children are confident and involved learners and Outcome 5: Children are effective communicators of VELF and the AusVELS Domain - Interdisciplinary Learning: Communication Design, Creativity and Technology Information and Communications Technology; Thinking Processes.



"Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have the the capacity to offer engaging tools and mediums for children to utilise and engage with learning." (Australian Government, 2008; White, 2008).

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